My dream

Stable income, constant meeting and exchange with my children, supporting my children.
Also I want to build up my life. I have a dream that I want to have a online shop. 
At the moment, I paused this activity because of this divorce, I don’t want to expose myself too much online. I stopped updating my Youtube channel.
I am preparing but I want to start when court case is over and I am settled. 
I want to start my online business or at least keep making DIY videos for youtube channel. 

My Hope

Charlotte and Zento are my children. 
I am a mother. 
I care about them most, more than anything. 
I will do anything for them. 
but I also hope they will become independent and have their own life, I will become supporter for them. 
I want to develop a truly loving relationship with them. 
I want them to feel “My mother loves me no matter what happen to me. She will be there for me.”

My challange

  • improve my German.
  • improve communication with my children. 
  • einburgerung